Sunday, March 21, 2010

A wedding.3 principle characters who received more importance than the bride and the groom ;).....

This post is dedicated to Aishu who is my first fan,kid sis and one of the most wonderfully weird creatures on this planet..

Let me start with the background story.The wedding here is my chittappa's(Dad's last brother) who is the typical Green-card-holding, 6'3",fair,PhD completed,Landed in one the highly paid brackets in US chammattu payyan...Shouldn't be difficult to find a match right?Believe me,There was.

The scouting for brides started way back in 2004 with the usual "Amma Ennakku ippolam kalyanam vendam"(Mom,I dont want to get married now)which as the days passed turned into impatience"Amma enna achu..Innuma kedaikala?"(Mom..What happened?Are you still not able to find one?)

Harish(Chitapps) has always been more of a friend than the father-figure...He is a wonderful guy.Compulsive cleaner and not a second has gone by where he does not think of his family.And yeah typical my-parents-know-what-is-good-for-me type one.Not that it is a bad thing.

Yeah,lets get back on 2004 slipped into 2005 and 06 still no luck and then due to few incidents we were not able to continue our Bride-huntfor few months.Few dead ends.Few almost deal-closers.
Few no horoscope matches.Dead ends every where.

Nevertheless paati ploughed on and on until finally we landed on Priya.

Now a lil something about Priya.If I call Harish my friend then I should call Priya my bestie...Someone who understands and cares for everyone.One very trustable person and totally chilled out.

Yeah again back on track.So Harish flew down to meet his bride-to-be....Now dont ask me if it was love-at-first-sight...I have no idea what attracted them to each other because in my opinion they are poles apart from each other.After tasting the sojji-bajji us,the younger-lot were thrilled...

The engagement was fixed on the last week of June.June 28th.Our story begins here.
I was pretty much jobless having just then completed my 12th and was waiting for my admissions to begin.I enter the hall and who should I see but some cute guy...(Isnt that the point of attending most weddings?)..The usual mental calculations were on...

Next came the competitors(my sister and cousin) and we started squabbling over who gets him..(Yeah he was not aware of our existence idhule periyaaa rights-claim veraa ;))

Finally not being able to come to a conclusion we decided on Survival of the fittest....All of us hanging around and my sisters were called outside for a few seconds and suddenly Luck decided to cast a bewitching smile on me...Who knew Priya would choose that very second to introduce me to him?There we were discussing various topics for 20 blissful moments before some aunt in "Heavy " makeup called me aside saying I was wanted somewhere(Porrukadhe?)....Grudgingly I said good bye....Meanwhile my cousin who was in the hospitality(read kids bullied in (rather bewitched)to think that they were responsible for the well being of the guests ) got the golden opportunity to pour coffee for him without having a clue about the miles of progress I had made...(It was on!)...Time came when we had to say our good byes and when he waved at me guess who was on fire? ;)It did lead to few uncomfortable moments of probing where I had to explain(Hell yeah!Who cares?)

Harish fried some kadalai for the rest of the week he was here and pretty much phone-fryings were done later(Hopefully :P)

He flew in a week before the wedding and was subjected no less than facials,manicures,pedicures and other blahs but the climax was the Marudhaani..
Traditionally the groom is supposed to have Marudhaani on his hand but to see Harish kick up a fuss like that was rare..We tried to coax him saying it wasnt bad and we all had Mehendi done..Finally we had to do what we had to-Pin the brat down and smear the stuff on his hands..(You were given a choice!)

The wedding was on October 24th..

October 22nd-

I had my internals correctly from 23rd and so to obtain permission from my VP to skip them....Now to make it clear these tests are nothing more than time and paper wasters.But an illusion was created as if these were path-breaking tests.Naturally I was little apprehensive at first but the thought of the wedding and picking it where we left off too seemed fun...So there I am with my letter and an annoyed scorn on his face told me I was not getting anywhere as close to a half day leave even....All the plans came crashing down....I did what any well brought up kid would do...Went and cried to my dad about how mean they were at college(Did I mention well mannered?OOps :D)..There my dad was promising to come and take me no matter what happened...

Now traditional Iyer weddings are stretched over 3 days where

1st day morning-Vradham(23rd)

The bride, groom and both their parents perform this rite praying to god that all should go well and a yellow thread is tied on their wrists meaning they are not supposed to leave the mandapam until the wedding is over.

October 23rd-
I completed my English internals(piece of cake) and was waiting for my dad....I was not able to listen a word of the maths shit that was being taught...Finally he turned up as promised and there was the same VP who was all smiles(sucker!)who asked me to take an extra couple of days......Gloating, I left with dad..We had to stop midway and I used the chance to call my cousin to check if "He" had arrived...I waited with bated breath for her answer...

To be continued..

Click here to read Part II of the story.

Until the next one,
Gaya. :)

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