Monday, June 14, 2010

A time when you could not even trust the air you breathe

Thanks to Shyam who inspired me to write this...It is a wonderful break from the cheesy romantic stories I have been writing so far..I owe you one da :)

All right this is not another post about some futuristic or far fetched world(V for Vendetta, Equilibrium and countless other Hollywood flick typos) and where the world is under an imminent threat and one hero rises among the masses to save the people.This,in fact is a story of the past...A deadly past which people even shudder to think about. The night of december 2nd 1984 when the deadly tragedy struck taking with it almost 3000 of central India's population.To be killed for some fault of yours or maybe as a turn of events is different.But dying in your sleep agitatedly without having no clue as to what is going on,when the new hope of a tomorrow remains a dream crushed by some crude corporate giant is unacceptably.Have we reached a particular realm of capitalistic society where currency notes can been exchanged for few hundreds and thousands of lives?If honestly you answer in affirmative to the above question then long gone is the time when life was for living.It has become existance.It has passed beyong coining it "Survival of the fittest".Rather it has become "survival of those who can kill and get away with it".

Mr.Warren Anderson,Union Carbide.I am not going argue on the perspective of letting him away was a big mistake.It was,yes.But even if we punish him there is no way that we can ressurect the dead or abate the suffering of those still undergoing the agony for the past 25 years.All I ask is do consider what compensation was given.Was it justified to bribe hundreds and thousands of politicians who were totally did not require the money and pay so little to those who actually needed it?

All these poiliticians raising this issue now,with all the finger pointing and commisions going on "to probe" into the issue,how much probing did you all actually do to make sure the issued compensation actually reached the masses?

BJP blames Rajiv Gandhi for the escape of Anderson.So be it.But there was BJP govt after all this.If they wanted to,they could have helped these people.May be they did to a small extent.Truth this at the very heart of a abundant with wealth,weeps an entire state for almost quarter of a century.We have not yet extended our hands to wipe away the drops.Will there come a day when we look beyond all national,cultural and monetory barriers and view people as people,the way it was meant to be?

I leave it to time to answer this question.

P.S-Thanks to Swathi who gave me valuble viewpoints on this.

Until the next one,

Gaya :)

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