Thursday, May 27, 2010

If only...

There are many instances in life when you came close to something that you have always wished would happen but missed by inches...Or again would have happened but not quite the way you had expected..If only they have gone the way they should have....
If only...

To everyone their first crush is special..Most of them would have forgotten it but to those who did not...

It might probably have been on a teacher who was nice to you and made you the "Class Leader"(It was the highest honor those days you know ;) ) or may be on your next door neighbor who always gave you a chocolate/who played with you...
But the first real crush you have probably must have been when you were about 11-14....

Every one of us did believe in filmi-romances at some point or another..To guys it was always saving the damsel in distress..And to girls it was obviously the meet-your-prince charming-and-fall-in-love-at-first-sight....Sadly,as you grow up you realize all this almost never happens..And looking back it always makes you smile...

That somersault your stomach did every time you caught sight of him/her...those long hours you stood waiting for him/her....those butterflies flying randomly here and there...The adrenaline rush everytime he/she comes near you...The thousands of words that want to rush out ,yet are chewed back and somehow momentarily your tongue seems to be glued down with Fevicol(Though you have no idea how it manages to unstick itself when he/she has passed you)
and all those nights that you were lying in your bed staring at your ceiling as though it would split wide open and he/she would enter right through the gap....

Now go stand right in front of the mirror and watch the corners of your mouth crack into a smile and then.....

...Go right back to some useful work...Enough reminiscing now! :)

Until the next one,
Gaya :)

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