Okay,that said let's go down the "Timeline" for a bit now :D.So being called "princess" by a few was not enough as my dad did feel a "princess" like treatment was the only thing fit enough for his daughter.Lo!The first birthday was celebrated at Taj!(Ofcourse I didnt know that I was the centre of attention then or I wouldnt have cried when I saw the knife and got scared of it!And the cameras HAD to capture that!)Well!yeah so that done,it was a lil downhill for some years from then as I saw my sister getting cakes in the shape of ships,trains etc as I had to settle for a BlackForest cake from Spencers(Standard round and guaranteed to make me feel nauseated later!).That said the last few birthdays have been awesome as this time not only the relative group but the friends group too chipped in catering to every one of my whims and fancies :)
The 18 was welcomed with much pomp as the family took "care" of cakes,gifts and entertainment,Then came 19 with the wishes of everyone and my first "official" birthday treat!And then came along the best-est birthday of all!The 20!My official exit from the teens was one which I would never forget! :)Friends! 2 gatheries and loads of "happie bday to me"s
Then came 21.The whole family was there !(Well they were there for my grandpa's 81st bday but forget that I told you that! :P ) The day was picture perfect!
Finally,I stepped into 22.And what a ride it was!A great personal loss and all that!So the spoilt brat this year went into the hibernation mode and out came the "I dont expect anything this year lest I get disappointed Gayathri".
And she was proved wrong ! :D For the wonderful ppl around me threw buckets and buckets of water on the hibernating creature and woke her up with a hugggggggeeeee BANGGGGGG!!!!!
So I kept running around from one house to another and finally settled down at one.The door was burst open and in came the gang with an OREO cake singing happy birthday!! :)
So that was pre-birthday for you.Along in 4 days came the Real one!Again the well behaved one came out but was driven back again!
All the super-awesome friends calling twice:once on their timezone and once on mine made the day.And to top it all (the cherry on top of the superawesome sunday that is my birthday :D.... Thanks Barney :D) there was this awesome surprise bday cake cut at midnight and a shower of gifts from the kin.(PS-Harish,Priya and the Chennai group : You all rock)
PS - Well,I just wish I was reborn everyday just so that this happens over and over again . If only there is a tooth fairy around *Sigh*.I wish ,if only..........But wait I already have like 25 tooth fairies(or should I say tooth friends and family :D) don't I? :D
Until the next one,
Gaya. :)