Saturday, May 1, 2010

Villupuram Thaandi Varuvaaya?

He was ready to cross the skies for her.The very bat of her eyelid was a sign enough.But would she oblige?

Sounds like the tag line of a typical boy-meets-girl and they fall in love movie?All right,this is just corny shit..Yet again one mindless true love(!) story brought to you by one of the vetti-est persons in Chennai right now, who finds nothing better to do than stare at her system all day ..And Why?Just because it is there...(I must really be going crazy,right?)

Now,where were we?Ahh..yes...Boy-meets-girl...Our hero did meet our heroine yes...She did fall in love..But if only,she had..with him...

How long do we have to keep using X and Y?...Just plain frustrating right?Lets give them proper names...Hmmm...How about Akash and Nandhini?Sounds good?Right lets get a move on...

She was the kind of girl anyone would fall in love with.And when I say anyone,I stand by my statement.Anyone.The typical girl-next-door,yet,a pretty one too..The kind that you wished you lived near.

He was not bad either.The typical gregarious,jumpy,fun yet understanding kind he was(Mind you it was not overdone :) )

Reasons for calling this post Villupuram Thaandi Varuvaaya(Will you cross Villupuram for me?)

1)The similarities to Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaaya?(Will you cross the skies for me?)

*Akash's similarity to the protagonist Karthick.Namma hero is again forced into Engineering(To quote"Ennaku apovve theryum indha engineering lam velaiku aagadhunu"). His life's ambition is actually to cross the skies i.e, get his CPL and become a commercial pilot.Namma Karthick is from Namma Chennai..

*Nandhini's similarity to Jessie.The homely and sweet kind and yeah definitely confused as depicted in the movie

* The cheesy, corny dialogue exchanges between them.

2)Our Nandhini hails from Villupuram.Hence the name .Villupuram is a place in the interior of TamilNadu).And she did visit her Villupuram now and then...

Yet another typical college love story(Maybe I'll grow up someday but for now just let me be)

They did not fall in love at the first sight.There were no filmi dialogues or songs that played as they danced in the rain or around trees,yet the story is cheesy(atleast to those of us who are not very much the romantic kind)

The first time he saw her he felt the same things he had only read about or seen in movies.The kind of light hearted fluttery feeling which jerked him a few feet away from the ground,as though his body weight dropped a few kgs and lifted him up...He was almost instantly pulled back to reality when he heard his friend's voice next to him though it all seemed so far away now...It took him a couple of seconds to register the fact that he was the one being addressed..She seemed far away yet she seemed close enough too.He was puzzled as he tried his best to muster his concentration to listen to what his friend was saying.

Friend:So naa solitrunda maari...
Friend:Okay va?Naa inum solliye mudikale..Kekariya illaya?
Akash:Kettutudhaanda irukken...
#Mind Voice#Talk about her..Talk about her..Talk about her..She is standing right in front of me..Talk about her...
Friend:So I think I like her da..
Akash:*concentration back on*Good for you da...*Trying to sound casual and pointing to her*Yaar machhan adhu?
Friend:Avala pathi dhaan ivlo neram solitrundhen..Avala dhan na love pannren.En figure macchaan.Propose panllam nu irukken...
Akash:#Horrified#Enna da sollre?
Friend:aama da..First day le irundu paathutruken.
Akash:Unakku set aagumnu nenaikriya?
Friend:Try panni dhan paapome..Friends encourage pannanaga so apdiye...
Akash:All the best da.
#Mind Voice#Enna Kodume sir Idhu?Vetti pasanga..Encouragement veraya?

A few days later-

The friend did propose and got turned down badly.Akash's hopes once again shot up.Some chance,some opening,something had to happen but alas.

Now Akash had a best friend.Lets call her ummm (oh what the heck?Return of the X) X...
Now our X was a very cute,patient,understanding type..and she had a nickname too..Love guru....Best at giving vetti-ideas and bulbu plans....

Akash and X were beshhhtuuu buddies...And as luck would have Akash's phone was under repair when one day...

Nandhini:Hey!Did you prepare for the test?
Nandhini:Kodume only...Very bad.
X:Like Flunking level?Rock bottom?
Nandhini:Kinda..This is Akash's number right?
Nandhini:No..I called him yesterday but it was not reachable.

Nandhini never called Akash again.

A year passed in which everyone came to know that Nandhini was in a very serious relationship(Everyone includes our Akash too) and again he had abandoned all hope when again....

Nandhini stopped attending classes.She became very irregular and in those rare occasions she was present also she was very distracted and very dull..

One day..

X:Oye!Extra pen hai?
Nandhini:*looking up* Whaat?
X:Pen..Pen..Extra pen...Hai tumhaare paas?
X:What is up with you these days?You look like you wish that the ground would open up and swallow you these days.
Nandhini:I wish it did..
X:What is wrong with you?
Nandhini:Just some personal trouble..
X:Boyfriend trouble?Why fear when the love guru is here?
Nandhini:Its not like what you think..
X:You tell me what I should be thinking...
Nandhini:Well,its just that you know he is very paranoid..Always jealous,possessive...Keeps fighting with me always...I am so pissed..
X:Eh?So?Ditch him...
Nandhini:I cant do that..I've been in love with him for like 6 years.You know some days I even feel very suicidal..
X:#Horrified# Seriously get a grip man..Suicide eh?Thats just rubbish talk..Listen..Take my word and dump him...
Nandhini:*Sigh*You'll never understand
X:#Scornfully#Maybe I won't but I am not the one contemplating suicide here...

Almost a year passed since this conversation when one day...

Akash enters the class...Excited whispers...

Akash:Macchan,What's going on da?
Friends:Dont know da ..but something is wrong with Nandhini..
Akash:What?#Blood rising to cheeks#
Friend:Why are you this shocked da?
Akash:Nothing da..

That evening on the phone...

Akash:Hey what is wrong with Nandhini?
X:#Suspiciously#Why are you this concerned?
Akash:Classmate no...
X:oh...She attempted suicide...
Akash:#Gasping#Suicide eh?Why?
X:The nutcase boyfriend of hers dumped her..Thats why...
Akash:What a lame reason
X:Why ask me?Do I look like the one on the verge of death...

They did not see Nandhini until the year end.

The next year...

One very casual night time conversation...

10.40 pm

X:Nothing much da..What you upto?
X:Yeah man these idiots are getting crazier by the day you know.
Akash:I know..Hey what do you think about Nandhini?
X:What is there to think about?She acted really stupid.If it were me I would have dumped him first..Bloody chauvinistic piece of crap he was...Deserves two slaps....
Akash:I don't mean this incident..Your general opinion you know?
X:Why are you this interested da?
Akash:Nothing ...Chumma I wanted to know
X:Erm Why are you acting strange all of a sudden?
Akash:Is it possible to get a straight answer out of you?
X:Provided you answer my questions...
Akash:You are so full of them.
X:I know :D
X:So what?
Akash:What do you think of her?
X:Yeah yeah...She could have turned out well if not for that boyfriend of hers..They got back together now.
X:Why are you sighing?
Akash:I didnt.
X:You did..
Akash:Not important.

He was not ready to let anybody know.Not yet.Maybe somebody but definitely not now.He did not want to be ridiculed least of all by his best friend...

Few more months passed until in the September of 2009,

Akash:Listen what were discussing so seriously with Z during lunch?
X:Lunch eh?ummm errr I dont remember
Akash:You have the worst memory
X:I know :D
Akash:So completed you assignment?Get it to me tomorrow I want to copy it
X:Wait I am copying it from Z now only..
Akash:All right see you tomorrow.
X:Hey wait wait I think I remember.
Akash:Remember what?
X:Look who is talking about retention capacity.It is like coal calling the kettle black.Sarcasm Intended you know,in case you didnt get it.
Akash:I did get it.Dont try my patience.
X:All right All right..Just messing with you...Well seems that we would have to go through our class teacher everytime we want OD from hereon..*casually*and yeah also Nandhini broke up with that bloke yet again.
X:I know man.Sad.
Akash:Sad?What are you talking about?It is awesome.
X:What?We will never get OD again if it goes at this rate and given my record I am most likely to be debarred for lack of attendance.
Akash:Attendance?What are you talking about?
X:What were you talking about then?*Suspicion*
Akash:you know the other thing.
X:The other thing?
X:Oh that.Aeah What difference does it make da?In another two days she'll run back to him.
Akash:You think so?*Crestfallen*
X:Why does it bother you this much?
#A long pause#
Akash:Because I like her.
X:like her as in?
Akash:I want to ask her out.
X:As in boy friend and girl friend?
X:Seri...Seri...But of all people why her?
Akash:Have I ever asked you that question?
X:Ermm sorry I didnt mean to be hypocritic.
Akash:Listen Can I ask you something?
Akash:Can you help me?
X:What help?
Akash:I want to talk to her.I need a proper opening.
X:Give me sometime.Ill come up with an idea.

She did come up with an idea.A stupid idea.But surprisingly due to cupid and lady luck being jobless that particular day and in a particularly helpful mood things worked out in his favour.The idea clicked and they exchanged numbers.
What idea you ask?Very simple one.A mutual friend was made to call her and pretend as though Akash was near her and she asked Nandhini is she would like to talk to him.She did not object.They did talk.But the catch was that Akash was not anywhere near the mutual friend.What Nandhini never knew was that it was a conference call.

And then began the struggle.Once the introduction was over,Nandhini seemed very hesitant to talk.He felt like banging the phone on the wall half the time.All this effort going wasted.

Their conversations were filled with unspoken words.He so wanted to talk.He so wanted her to talk.There was no ice,it was an iceberg that had to be broken.
His days were spent in confusion and nights were spent in frustration.And so passed two months,until one day....

Akash:What happened?
Akash:Oh,come on..You can tell me..
Nandhini:Well I guess...I fought with him..
Akash:with who?
Nandhini:Yoou know himm...My boyfriend...
Akash:You mean you ex-boyfriend right?
Nandhini:Ex?no no Didnt I tell you?We are back together..
Akash: #Mind voice#Enna kodume Sir idhu.
Akash:*Jerked back**Accusingly*No you didnt tell me..You never tell me things you know..
Akash:Thats okay...What does he want now?
Nandhini:Just the same..He is being paranoid again.
Akash:You know if you are not comfortable you should say so you know,break it off.Talk to him
Nandhini:Breaking up is not the solution.
Akash:Sometimes it is.*silently praying that she should be convinced*
Nandhini:Not always.Anyways Ill talk to him.Thanks for the advice.

She did talk to him and it put one major reverse gear which drove Akash up the wall.Yes,they got back together again.Akash abandoned all hopes,yet again.And as for therapy?He always had X.

Finally a new year dawned and he decided to let go of all this and decided to concentrate on something worthwhile when one encouragement booster arrived in the form of his friend/relative/whatever you call someone really close to you.

Now this friend was pretty hyperactive and believed that you'll never know what happens until you have done it.So go for it type aka Schrodinger's cat.Akash who was already on the verge of spilling the beans to her,occasionally held back by X,had reached his wits' end now.

He was yet again looking desperately for an opening to bring this up.He tried talking to her about her idea of love,ideal guy and other blah blah blahs but no,she would never hand it to him.Did she know and is she ignoring it purposefully or does she not understand at all?was the only question on his mind which was successfully driving him mad.

January slipped into February and along came Valentines day..What more an opening could he ask for?He mustered all the courage he had and finally decided to take the plunge.He dialled jher number slowly and put the receiver to his ears.One smooth female voice answered.

The subscriber you have called is busy.Please try again later.

Bhusssssssssss.His face deflated like a punctured tire.

He was not able to get in touch with her the whole day.So close,he thought.So close.
When the next day dawned he threw away all thoughts of ever telling her what was he was going through.He did not know if it was anger or frustration or disappointment or fear that overlapped him but then again he had made his decision.He was never going to call her again.That decided he leaped out of bed and put the past behind him.All was well for 2 days until ...

*Beep Beep*
Mom:Akash I think you're phone is ringing.
Akash:No ma just a message.
Mom:Check it na.Might be something important.

When he opened the message-

Nandhini:Hi I am sorry for not attending your call that day.Can you please call?.I am really upset and would like to talk to someone.please.

His hands automatically acted as though they were receiving orders from a distant voice.Yet it seemed as though the voice originated from his own brain.Seemed so distant yet so real and close.

As he dialed her number there were two voices that were crying the exact opposite.

Voice1:Common!Now is your chance..Act all nice..Maybe she'll fall for you.
Voice2:Oh..Dont listen to him.He means nothing but trouble...Think of what she has done so far.Dont embarass yourself.

Akash:Shut up both of you.

And she answered.

Akash:Hi..What happened?
Nandhini:Hi...Thanks for calling.Just wanted to talk to someone.
Akash:oh...tell me.
Nandhini:I was waiting that day for his call but he did not even give me a message.Sorry that I decided to show my frustration on you.
Akash:#losing his patience#
Oh so thats the reason is it not?When your pretty boyfriend turns his back on you I get the brunt..Else you are all happy with him and ignore me..Whats your deal?
Nandhini:But but...
Akash:DO NOT INTERRUPT ME.Understand?
Akash:So I am somebody you call when you are pissed.I am not saying you should not.But dont use me like this.Either you ignore me or cry to me.What kind of relationship is this?
Nandhini:but thats what friends are supposed to be like right?
Akash:Not all the time.
Nandhini:Okay listen I am sorry.I had no idea that it would hurt you..I am really sorry...Please Please..Henceforth Ill try to be good..Are we good?
Akash:Eh whatever..
Nandhini:oh common..Smile na..please
Akash:*All smiles wonly :D* smiles.
Nandhini:now thats a good boy..
Akash:If you want to share something do that but lets have some fun too you know you know blah blah blah....

And on and on she went .Once started it was difficult to stop her.She told him about her childhood,likes,dislikes,friends,the on-off love story she had and slowly started recovering from her break up.Ofcourse it is needless to say that Akash talked her out of it.And people started noticing that something was going on between them.The lunch time conversations,gift exchanges and the class time chori-chori looks were a dead giveaway.Now the only question that remained was when he would pop the question.

May 22,2010

X:So how are things between you and Nandhini?
Akash:Couldn't ask for anything better.
X:So sema happy only you are?
Akash:No di..I havent asked her yet...
X:Asked her what?
Akash:To be my girlfriend.
X:so ask her...
Akash:Yeah but opening ?
X:enna chumma opening opening nu...? Go tell her da...
Akash:Yeah di...tonite is the night..
X:Good luck man :)

That night
X:Eyyyyyyyyyy....What happened?
Akash:not yet.
X:Choo #Disappointed#

May23 morning.

X:Eyyyyyyyyyy....What happened?
Akash:not yet.
X:Choo #Disappointed#


X:Eyyyyyyyyyy....What happened?
Akash:not yet.
X:Choo #Disappointed#


X:Eyyyyyyyyyy....What happened?
Akash:not yet.
X:cha text me after you have done it...

That night 2.43

Mobile message.X wakes up rubbing her eyes.

Akash:i did it I told her.

X:Eyy...super..What did she say?
Akash:She said she needed time
X:How much time?
Akash:That I didnt ask..
X:loosu..Seri Tell me when she replies.

Nandhini took her time..There were many times when she almost felt like this was a good idea and times when she felt this was a huge mistake because of her past experience.Times when she felt pressurized and times when she felt she did not want to make this decision.But fact remained that she had to give him an answer.When did not matter.What did.

Finally she made her decision.Right or wrong she was going to stick to it.She took her phone and fed in her answer and hit send.

At the other end,Akash was alerted to the receiving of a message by the tone.He looked at his mobile.

The screen said You have one new message.

He hit the open message button and gave a gasp.

Until the next one,
Gaya :)


  1. ??....wat was tat last mesagge....??

  2. i think X has put over build up for her character......:p

  3. Ada paavigala.. Ellathayum sonnenga..
    Inga oru theivatha pathi sollave illa!!!!

  4. @Rajesh-last message is left to the reader's opinion..If you feel you want them together take it as yes else no...and yeah X is pretty much build up only but we all have seen characters like that na?

    @Anu-Sollirken....nalla padi theriyum..
